RA Canine Therapist




The word hydrotherapy comes from the Greek word ‘hydrotherapia’ which translates as a treatment using water. Hydrotherapy has been used for many centuries by humans to cure ailments and to improve moral and health of individuals.

Hydrotherapy harnesses the properties of water to give therapeutic effects which are beneficial to dogs. The main benefits of hydrotherapy are reduction in pain and muscular spasm, and an increase in muscular strength, joint mobility and range of motion.


Hydrotherapy is very beneficial to dogs that have suffered an injury, surgery or have a musculoskeletal condition. The water creates a weightless environment and promotes improved movement and increased muscle mass.

It is beneficial for arthritis, hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, cruciate disease, fibrocartilaginous embolism, elbow dysplasia and many more!


Hydrotherapy is very beneficial to dogs that have suffered an injury, surgery or have a musculoskeletal condition. The water creates a weightless environment and promotes improved movement and increased muscle mass.

It is beneficial for arthritis, hip dysplasia, degenerative myelopathy, cruciate disease, fibrocartilaginous embolism, intervertebral disc disease, lumbosacral disease, and many more!

Weight Loss

Hydrotherapy is effective non-impact exercise for dogs. Swimming for 1 minute is equivalent to a minute run. Therefore if your dog is on a weight loss plan then hydrotherapy can be a good way of exercising them without any impact to their joints.

Fun and Fitness

We offer fun and fitness swim sessions for dogs that would like to come for a swim. Hydrotherapy also aids sporting dogs (canicross, flyball, agility, heelwork to music, herding, gun dogs) to keep them in the best condition to do their sport. Hydrotherapy reduces the likelihood of injury and re-injury.

Fun and Fitness

We offer fun and fitness swim sessions for dogs that would like to come for a swim. Hydrotherapy also aids sporting dogs (canicross, flyball, agility, heelwork to music, herding, gun dogs) to keep them in the best condition to do their sport. Hydrotherapy reduces the likelihood of injury and re-injury.

All dogs will need veterinary consent by law to have hydrotherapy or massage therapy but this will be organised by the hydrotherapist.